Sandesh in Zero Oil

Mouth watering Recipe of Elaichi Sandesh using No Oil


Zero Oil Cardamom Sandesh Recipe

Sandesh is an authentic bengali dessert made from crumbled cottage cheese or chhena blended with sugar and can be made in different flavours like : elaichi, kesar, pista, chocolate, rose, vanilla, anjeer etc. Sandesh has low fat and low carbs, so it is an healthier alternative for your sweet tooth.

One Serving (45gms or 2 pieces) of Elaichi Sandesh contains :

139 Calorie
5gms Protein
6gms Fat
15gms Carbs
0gms Fiber

An healthier alternative to this can be made using jaggery in place of sugar.
Here, presenting you the Zero Oil version of this recipe.


Ingredients :: 

500ml milk
1 lemon juice or 20ml white vinegar
2tsp sugar powdered
1tbsp elaichi powder
few cardamom pods

Recipe :

1. Boil milk in a deep pan, add lemon juice or vinegar and curdle it.
2. Once curdled take one boil and separate the whey from water. Let the whey become completely dry.
3. Add the whey and sugar in a pan and mix well till the dough comes together.
4. Add cardamom powder and mix well. Let it cool completely.
5. Make small balls and flatten them. Decorate with cardamom pods and serve chilled.

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